Saturday 20 August 2016

Benefits of Invisible Aligners

Dentistry is today no longer just a matter of filling and extracting bad teeth. If you're one of those silent victims of crooked teeth or a misaligned bite, a number of treatment options are available that could help to straighten your teeth. Invisible aligners treatment is a modern orthodontic treatment rapidly gaining popularity as it straightens your teeth without the need of those old-fashioned traditional metal braces.
Invisible aligners use clear dental aligners in moving your teeth into the desired position. These aligners are barely visible to anyone near you.

The Way Invisible Aligners Work

When you visit an orthodontist, you'll get dental aligners that have been designed in such a manner to fit well over your teeth and then gradually and gently work to move your teeth into a more straight display. The Invisible aligners are custom-made for your use only.
Every 2 to 3 weeks over the treatment duration, you'll receive a new set of aligners. Each new set then adds on the accomplishment of the previous one, such that your teeth are gradually shifting throughout the entire treatment period.

Advantages of Using Invisible Aligners 

Generally, braces work through the application of steady pressure over a period of time to steadily move your teeth in a specific direction. While your teeth move, the jaw bone alters its form as the pressure is getting applied.

1. Almost Invisible Being made of clear plastic material, these clear aligners are practically invisible such that most people might not even recognize that you're wearing them.

2. Extremely Effective Invisible aligners have, in most cases, been found to be just as effective, if perhaps not more like the traditional metal braces. Moreover, they're more comfortable than the conventional braces when you wear them.

3. Removable when Necessary Invisible aligners can be taken off whenever the need arises. This means that you could take them off as you eat or when you're cleaning the teeth. This means cleaning them also becomes much easier! Given that they are totally detachable, it means that you're not as restricted with your dietary choices like you would be whilst using the standard metal braces.

4.Less Appointments with the Orthodontist When you're on invisible aligner treatment, fewer orthodontic appointments are required when compared to someone who is being treated using the standard metal braces.

If you would like more information on invisible aligners, please contact us at

Thursday 18 August 2016

Reason and Treatment of crooked teeth

Many people find themselves needing orthodontic treatment at some point in their lives, but what causes crooked teeth to begin with?

For some of us, it comes down to just bad luck in the genetics department.

Crooked teeth can be an inherited trait, the same as blue eyes or brown hair are. The most frequent cause of common orthodontic issues, such as overbites, underbites and crooked teeth is actually genetics. And unfortunately, that means you'll need to seek out orthodontic treatment sooner rather than later.

But there are other causes of crooked teeth, some of which can be prevented. They include:

  • Losing baby teeth too early. The loss of baby teeth happens in a pattern, and if they don't fall out in the proper order or if they fall out too soon, permanent teeth can erupt in the wrong locations. 
  • Ill-fitting dental restorations can make teeth shift to undesirable locations, creating a bad bite. 
  • Gum disease is the number one cause for tooth loss in adults, and can cause teeth to shift, thereby creating alignment and bite problems. 
  • An injury to the mouth or a disease, such as a jaw tumor, can negatively affect tooth alignment. 
  • Some patients may have jaws that are simply too small for their teeth, or may have a discrepancy in jaw size that leads to misalignment of their bite. 
  • Extended pacifier use, thumb-sucking and tongue thrust can create alignment problems and alter the shape of the mouth, leading to crooked and crowded teeth.

Crooked and misaligned bites aren't just unsightly, they can cause a host of problems, such as problems chewing and speaking. Because abnormal pressure is placed on the teeth, a poorly aligned bite can increase the risk of teeth breaking or chipping. Crooked teeth are also harder to keep clean, which increases a patient's risk of developing gum disease or decay and increases the need for dental work in the future.

Repairing crooked teeth and misaligned bites improves your oral health and can make you more confident. Whether you choose standard metal braces or a more discrete option, such as clear aligner therapy, your smile can be corrected to improve your lifestyle.

If you think you or your child may have a misaligned bite, or don't like the look of your smile, schedule a consultation with an orthodontist for smile designing. Your doctor will craft a treatment plan that will result in a beautifully healthy and ideally functioning smile that, with proper care, will last a lifetime.

If you would like more information on clear aligners, please contact us at

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Tooth Positioners are better alternative to metal braces

Teeth that are crooked or ones that do not correctly fit together are more challenging when it comes to cleaning. They are also vulnerable to tooth decay as well as other types of periodontal diseases. Such teeth cause extra stress on your chewing muscles leading to periodic headaches, shoulder, neck and back pains, and even the TMJ syndrome. Crooked teeth impact negatively on your physical appearance, and they dent personal confidence and self esteem. Braces which use metal wires are the most common orthodontic tools which are used in order to correct the misaligned teeth; these dental appliances have worked very well for many people during the past few decades. However, as technology changes and CAT analysis is used in tests and researchers have been able to design a different type of brace, one of that is called a Tooth Positioner.
In order to address the cosmetic concerns of many people who use or have used wire-based braces in the past dentists have designed tooth positioner which is virtually invisible. These invisible aligners are able to do the very same job; even better than that metal braces do, the difference is that they don't look awkward and are very convenient to wear. One cannot notice easily that you are wearing clear aligners until he is very close to you.
Let us take a look at some of the advantages that tooth positioner had over metal braces:
  • Clear braces does not cause irritation because there are no metallic braces which will cause friction
  • The tooth positioner is virtually invisible so it can be worn at any time
  • That metal braces are very hard to handle because they're not as easy to remove as these invisible braces
  • Whenever you want to grab a bite or brush your teeth could simply take the positioner of that you are good to go
  • It protects the surface of the teeth which prevents Enamel wear from constant grinding
  • They do not cause white spot damage which is very common for people who use metal braces
  • They did not cost Enamel decalcification

The use of the tooth positioner is a very effective orthodontic treatment which can correct teeth misalignment as well as close unwanted gaps between the teeth which keep you from showing your beautiful smile. 
ClearPath gives agreeable, simple to utilize and in particular, reasonable orthodontist equipments like Invisible braces that adjust your teeth and this is without bother and leaves your way of life untouched. It is an arrangement of clear aligners that is adaptable in outline and is suitable to be utilized than invisible or clear braces and all age groups alike can be treated with them. They can be altered according to individual needs. The plastic utilized as a part of their assembling is FDA approved and aligners have smooth edges that keep your gums and cheeks from undesirable disturbance.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Invisible Aligners can give you the straight teeth of your dreams

Invisible clear aligners are just one of the alternative to those ugly metal braces which can transform your smile to your dream smile. This series of clear, removable aligners are custom-made to fit comfortably over your teeth, gently guiding them into a new position.

Many adults would like to straighten their teeth, but fear the thought of wearing traditional metal braces. Thanks to rapid advances in orthodontic treatment in recent years, there are now a number of discreet alternative available like clear or invisible aligners

While many of these products are advertised as cosmetic teeth straightening devices, the health benefits of straighter teeth should not be forgotten. When teeth are properly aligned, with fewer gaps in which food particles can become trapped, they are easier to clean – which helps to minimise your chances of developing tooth decay and gum disease.

Invisalign treatment is available to both adults and teenagers who want to straighten their teeth in a discreet and comfortable manner. You will need to come into our practice for a consultation with a dentist, who will examine your teeth and gums and assess if this is the best treatment for your needs.

Thanks to the advanced technology behind Invisalign, your dentist will be able to show you what results you can expect from the outset of treatment. If you decide to go ahead with treatment, you will be prescribed a series of clear aligners.

Every patient’s needs are different, so the exact number of aligners and length of treatment will vary from case to case – your dentist will advise you of the number of aligners required and predicted length of treatment. On average, treatment takes between six and eighteen months.You should wear your aligners for about 22 hours a day, and change them fortnightly.
For more info regarding clear aligners and tooth positioner contact us at

Monday 18 July 2016

Clear Aligners Provide a Less Embarrassing Choice for Teens

For decades, traditional braces were the only orthodontic choice for moving misaligned teeth. Although they’re quite effective, they can cause discomfort and, for teens especially, embarrassment due to their noticeable metallic appearance.

In recent years, though, technology has produced an alternative to braces that’s proven effective for many types of patients. Besides being less cumbersome and disruptive to everyday l ife than braces, clear aligners have another advantage that appeals to teens — they’re much less visible.

Introduced in the late 1990s, clear aligners are a system of individual trays made of nearly invisible polyurethane plastic worn over the upper teeth. The trays are computer-generated based on the patient’s individual mouth structure captured in photographs and x-rays. Each tray in the sequence is incrementally smaller in size; the patient begins wearing the first aligner in the series for about two weeks, 20 to 22 hours a day. They then switch to the next tray in the series for about the same amount of time, and continue in this fashion until they’ve worn each aligner in the series.

Besides their improvement in appearance, aligners also have another advantage: unlike traditional braces, aligners can be removed from the mouth for eating or on a limited basis for rare important social occasions. Brushing and flossing are also much easier with aligners, which don’t pose the same access problems as traditional braces.

Clear or invisible aligners were once only effective with select types of orthodontic patients, which didn’t always include teens. Over the last decade, however, significant changes to design and additional implements have widened their application to more patients, especially teens. For example, we can now add tiny “power ridges” to the aligner design that give greater precision over desired tooth movement to create a more controlled and efficient force on the teeth. More recent aligners are also being produced with a thinner, more comfortable material.

A thorough orthodontic exam will tell whether your teen is a good candidate for clear aligners. If so, they’ll benefit from a more comfortable and less embarrassing experience while gaining a new smile for life.

If you would like more information on clear aligners, please contact us at

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Adapt to Invisible Aligners Treatment for Teeth Straightening

Teeth straightening were earlier known to be a painful process due to the use of metallic braces. However with the invention of clear aligners treatment this dilemma has been put to an end. This teeth straightening process makes use of practically invisible aligners that are placed over the teeth, these are easily removable and do not interfere in your daily activities like the traditional braces. Below discussed are reasons supporting the use of invisible aligners.

Metallic braces Vs Invisalign treatment
• Metal braces make the teeth appear shabby as they pass between the teeth. On the other hand Invisalign treatment makes use of invisible aligners that are transparent.
• Traditional braces can cause trouble while chewing food and talking. Invisible aligners do not cause any such problems.
• Braces can cause pain while your dentist is setting them especially during the initial stages of attaching the spacers or separators. The Invisalign treatment is extremely simple and painless.

It is a highly advanced cosmetic dentistry procedure which is painless and does not hinder in the day-to-day activities of the patient. The purpose of these however remains the same i.e. to straighten and align the teeth structure and make them look pleasing to the eye. Many people are apprehensive about opting for teeth straightening treatments as they feel the traditional metallic braces are the only way out. With an effective alternative of invisible aligners there isn't any need to worry about the pain or the teeth appearance since these are practically invisible. Cosmetic dentistry centers and dentists have tried and tested this treatment and are recommending it to their patients.

Teeth straightening have undergone a drastic change with Invisalign treatment. The time duration for this treatment varies from case to case and can range between 9 to 15 months. You can monitor the improvement yourself week after week. The cost of this treatment may appear to be a concern to you but with the promising results this technique is known for, it will be worth your money.

To get a complete idea of how this works it is best to visit your nearest cosmetic dentistry center. You can even seek advice from a cosmetic dentist about this procedure and make up your mind. Dentists do a thorough examination and only then recommend any type of treatment thus before you jump to any conclusion about Invisalign treatment take an expert's advice.

Change is the only constant in life, the same goes with dental treatments. The traditional braces have worked wonders for millions of people across the globe and even today are used globally. These invisible tooth positioners are steps ahead of braces and gives the same and in some cases better results. If you are looking for best orthodontic industry then just contact for best results.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

How to Look After Your Invisible Aligners?

Invisible aligners are the ultimate gift from cosmetic dentistry, which can straighten your teeth without braces. It is a removable and "invisible" aligner made from a clear thermoplastic material custom made to suit only the client's teeth-invisible alignment: Invisalign. It should be worn for two weeks before being replaced by another set. With the help of invisible aligners the teeth will move closer and closer until the desired result is achieved.

For optimum results, proper use and care should be practiced. After all, cosmetic dentistry doesn't end with just the procedure or the installment of the gadget, you need to take care of it.
Make sure the teeth and the invisible aligners are clean before wearing the aligner. Proper oral hygiene is of course a must. Clean Invisalign by gently brushing it. If Invisalign cleaning kit is available, use it; if not use your regular toothpaste to clean it but avoid using cleaners with harsh chemicals. Invisible aligners are generally stain resistant, but if a stubborn stain persists, the aligners may be cleaned by soaking it in half a cup of water at room temperature with 10 drops of Clorox bleach for 20 minutes. Only do this occasionally, though. You don't want this cosmetic dentistry gadget to look and/or feel strange thanks to bleaching.

Do not expose Invisalign to temperatures warmer than the mouth. Invisalign is made of a plastic resin and will be distorted when exposed to extreme heat.
Eating and drinking hot food and beverage while wearing Invisalign is not allowed. Remove the Invisalign before taking in hot food and drinks. Drinking cool water with the Invisalign on, however, is recommended. Prevent staining the Invisalign by not smoking or removing it prior to smoking. Do not chew gum with the Invisalign on because it will stick to the aligner. There are cases when it is okay to eat and drink with the Invisalign on, but as a general rule remove the aligner prior to eating and drinking.
And on a last note, store the aligners using the case provided when Invisalign is not worn. That's what they are for.
Cosmetic dentistry is exactly what it is: Cosmetic. Not permanent, reversible, and in need of proper care. Even permanent dental procedures have proper care how-to's right? So remember to take care of your Invisalign. If you are looking for invisible aligners or dental aligners then just contact us at
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